Episode 8: The Goonies (Ft. Caitlin Larkin) is available now! New episodes released every Monday!!!
Dec. 5, 2022

32: Die Hard

32: Die Hard

Now I Have A Machine Gun... Ho. Ho. Ho.

This week we're diving into Die Hard. To some this is an action classic. To others it is a must watch Christmas movie. To Jonathan and Jennifer, they have never seen it...Until now! Watch as a building slowly explodes! Watch too many 80s blonde haired Russian Villains! Watch as Bruce Willis throws a dead body at Carl Winslow from Family Matters! This movie has it all, and we're gonna talk about it.
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Thank you to James Alexander for creating the awesome artwork for this show! Check out his instagram at https://instagram.com/pleasantviewdesigns?igshid=NDBlY2NjN2I=

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