Episode 8: The Goonies (Ft. Caitlin Larkin) is available now! New episodes released every Monday!!!
July 18, 2022

10. The Fast and The Furious (Ft. John Pelkey)

10. The Fast and The Furious (Ft. John Pelkey)

Harpoons! Catch Phrases! Honda Civics with NOS!!!!
In this episode we watch and discuss the 2001 classic movie, or fever dream, The Fast and The  Furious. Joining us is Emcee, Host, and Announcer for Disney Sports John Pelkey. So strap in and get ready to live life a quarter-mile at a time!

For more information about the show go to

Thank you to James Alexander for creating the awesome artwork for this show! Check out his instagram at https://instagram.com/pleasantviewdesigns?igshid=NDBlY2NjN2I=

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